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Cat breeder listing directory worldwide

Fanciers Breeder Referral List
Cat breeder listing directory worldwide
Fanciers Breeder Referral List
Welcome to the Cat Breeder Referral List, the english website of the well known list - directory of the European part of the cat breeder world on the World Wide Web. This websites are founded and operated by a cat breeder for cat breeders and cat lovers, and is still growing since 2005.

Are you looking for a pedigreed kitten or cat?
Search for purebred cat breeders by breed, location, cattery name, or cat breeder name.

Are you a cat breeder?
Advertise your Cattery, Kitten, Studs, Shop or Club still free of charge or any fees.
In order to keep the adds free of charge I am kindly asking for placing a backlink on your website.
Please use the banner on the banner exchange site, textlinks are also welcome.

I reserve the right, to refuse breeder entries without a statement of reasons.
The listing in the cats-breeder list is maintained manually.